07 September 2017
The Department of Mobility and Public Works and 19 municipalities from the Brussels Periphery can request traffic data for 1 year using the Be-Mobile FlowCheck web application. The municipalities can also choose to carry out traffic analyses themselves. The traffic flows will be fully mapped on the main road network and the underlying road network.
Flanders is going to tackle the traffic jams around Brussels with a comprehensive investment plan. The Ring around Brussels will be redeployed between Zaventem and Groot-Bijgaarden (from E40 to E40). In preparation, it is important to map the rat runs in Flemish Brabant to minimize the obstacle of rebuilding the Ring.
The Mobility and Public Works Department chose to work with the Be-Mobile web tool and to provide access to all municipal councils concerned to conduct thorough traffic analyses on their own territory (and 5 km beyond). The web application is based on the so-called Floating Car Data – historical and anonymous data from GPS devices, smartphones and fleet systems in vehicles.