Istanbul, with its population of more than 15 million, is Turkey's largest city and one of the top 5 cities most impacted by traffic. In 1986, the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) established Istanbul IT and Smart City Technologies Inc. (ISBAK). The company affiliated by IMM grew to become a major player in the field of intelligent transportation systems and traffic management systems.
As part of realizing the Smart City vision of Istanbul, ISBAK together with IMM went looking for a way to further enrich their already extensive traffic data and thereby improving the quality of their traffic information service. And this is where Be-Mobile came into view to deliver outstanding traffic information content.
The key difficulty ISBAK faced was that their traffic data density was not sufficient to optimally manage traffic. With the current infrastructure, it was impractical to extract enough data from the roadside infrastructure and incidental reports. One possible solution involved placing additional sensors at many locations, but that proved to be especially cumbersome, time-consuming and expensive.
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During this pandemic, the amount of traffic increased significantly. Finding the best way to get to work and managing traffic has been a major undertaking, a challenge we have met with our world-class information and solutions.
Jan Cools, CEO Be-Mobile
Be-Mobile believes in a total traffic management approach to better utilize current infrastructure and does so using Floating Car Data (FCD). FCD is anonymized localization data collected from devices in vehicles driving on the road, reporting information on their location, speed and direction. Together, they give a reliable overview of traffic conditions covering the entire road network.
More specifically, ISBAK decided to partner with Be-Mobile for the following services and products:
- Realtime travel times
- Traffic flow data
- Traffic Events Manager
ISBAK is very satisfied with the collaboration. With travel times, traffic flow data and Be-Mobile's Traffic Events Manager, the quality of their data has increased in the services they have developed. As a result, they are now able to display more and better information on larger numbers of digital traffic signs and share it directly with millions of Istanbul drivers using several apps.
Our strong partnership with ISBAK provides all drivers in the Istanbul region with real-time usable advice on how to move around the city, visibly in-app and on roadside infrastructure.
Wannes De Smet, Offering Manager Traffic Information Be-Mobile