Monitor & analyze

Data lie at the heart of everything we do. Track traffic anytime and anywhere: find potential bottlenecks that are clogging up the road network.

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Real-time traffic monitoring

Where is traffic queuing up? How much time do drivers currently lose on the road? Don’t miss a second of what is happening on the road via an easy-to-use web application.

Historical traffic analysis

The real-time traffic data we collect are stored for historical analysis purposes in an off-the-shelf software product: FLOWcheck is the perfect instrument to detect cut-through traffic or assess the impact of certain mobility measures.

Route analysis

Segment analysis

Origin-destination analysis

Historical maps

Tailored studies

Our dedicated traffic engineering team performs top-notch consultancy in the field of mobility using state-of-the-art technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data processing. If you have a specific mobility request, they are your go-to experts. While FCD forms the core of our data, we also integrate other data such as telco, surveys, sensors, cameras, public transport, etc.

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