Cookie policy

Who are we?

Your personal data are processed by Be-Mobile NV, which is headquartered in Kardinaal Mercierlaan 1a, 9090 Melle (Belgium), as the processing manager according to the applicable legal and regulatory provisions regarding personal data protection. If you have any further question, please contact us by sending an e-mail to or getting in touch with our helpdesk: +32 9 330 51 80.

Preliminary remarks on the current Cookies Policy

Scope of application. The current Cookies Policy (hereafter ‘Cookies Policy’) shall apply between you and Be-Mobile NV when you use our website (accessible via or any other domain name redirecting the surfer towards this website), or yet again, when you contact us by e-mail, phone, fax, or through social media (such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn).

Changes. Be-Mobile reserves the right to modify the current Cookies Policy at any time. Should this happen, Be-Mobile will inform you of these changes during your next visit to our website.

Confidentiality. For further information on the manner how we process personal data otherwise than by cookies, you may check our Privacy Policy on the following page:

What’s a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file placed by a website’s server on your computer, tablet, Smartphone or mobile device when you visit a website. The cookie contains a unique code which makes it possible to recognize your browser once you visit the website again later on.

Article 1. Cookies used by our website


1.1 Cookies can be placed by us or a third party:


1.2 There are 3 types of cookies:

  1. Essential cookies: These cookies are crucial for visiting our website. For instance, they allow you to browse through the different parts of the website or to fill in the forms.
  2. Functional cookies: Functional cookies are cookies which ease the use of our website, making them more enjoyable for the visitors and allowing you to customize even more your browsing experience. For instance, these cookies can memorize your language choice.
  3. Analytics cookies: Analytics cookies are used to collect details on how the visitors use our website (pages viewed, average visit length…) in order to enhance their contents, adapt them more to the visitors’ expectations and improve their usability. To analyse the use of our website, we also call on Google Analytics, which equally uses cookies for this purpose. These cookies may be anonymous or not. Your prior consent is required for the use of non-anonymous cookies for analytical purposes.
Duration of the cookies

1.3 Cookies have a defined duration. There are temporary cookies and so-called permanent cookies.

Article 2. Which cookies may be downloaded?

2.1 The cookies below may be downloaded on your device if you use our website.







This cookie is downloaded once you agree to our Cookies Policy.

1000 days



These Google Analytics cookies allow us to quantify and determine the manner how you and other visitors use our website. Further details on Google Analytics.

2 years



1 minute



24 hours

Article 3. Your consent

3.1 We need your consent in order to insert cookies (except when it comes to essential cookies). You give your consent by clicking the relevant button in the cookies banner.

3.2 You may refuse to download cookies (except for essential cookies) by not giving your consent. If you wish to withdraw your consent, you may delete cookies already downloaded on your device at any time. The browser makers’ website provides further details on how to delete the cookies:

  1. Internet Explorer:
  2. Safari: https://support.applcom/nl-be/guide/safari/manage-cookies-and-site Internet-data-sfri11471/mac
  3. Firefox: Internet-preferences
  4. Chrome:
  5. Microsoft Edge:

If you refuse downloading cookies or withdraw your consent, it is possible that (some parts of) our website wouldn’t work optimally.

Article 4. To whom do we send your personal data?

4.1 We may send your personal data to other entities belonging to the Be-Mobile group and may also call upon third-party subcontractors to process your data for purposes described in Article 2 above, such as:

4.2 These third-party subcontractors may only process your personal data in accordance with our instructions. We equally guarantee that each of these third-party subcontractors were selected with the utmost care and are committed to ensure the security and integrity of your data.

4.3 We may be legally obliged to send your personal data to competent authorities or their representatives, to judicial authorities, to public authorities or government agencies, including to relevant data protection authorities, for us to comply with a legal obligation.

4.4 We won’t send your personal data in identifiable form to any other third party than those mentioned in Articles 4.1 and 4.2 without your express consent. We may, however, send anonymized and/or aggregated data to other third parties, who may use these data to improve our services.

Article 5. Personal data processing location

5.1 Your personal data are essentially processed within the European Economic Area (EEA).

5.2 In order to process your personal data for the purposes outlined in Article 4 above, we may equally transfer them to third parties processing them on our behalf outside the EEA. Any entity outside the EEA processing your personal data shall observe the suitable precautions regarding the processing of your data. Such precautions shall be settled by:

5.3 We may transfer anonymized and/or aggregated data to third parties outside the EEA. Shall such a transfer occur, we shall make sure that every precaution established ensures the security and integrity of your data and of every right regarding your personal data which you may have under the current binding law.

Article 6. Personal data processing time

6.1 Your personal data will only be processed as long as necessary for the purposes stated in Article 4 to be fulfilled or, if applicable, until the moment you withdraw your consent. The withdrawal of your consent may imply that you won’t be able to use all or part of our website.

6.2 We will anonymize your personal data as soon as they are no longer necessary for the purposes described in Article 4 above, except in the following cases:

Article 7. Your rights

7.1 When we gather and use your personal data, you have rights to access, to correct, to erase, to data portability, limitation rights and rights to object to the processing of your personal data, as defined by the Privacy Policy.

7.2 If the processing of your personal data rests upon your consent, you may always withdraw it as mentioned in Article 3 of the current Cookies Policy.

Article 8. Contact and claims

8.1 If you have any question or claim regarding the way we process your personal data, you may contact us by sending an e-mail to or a letter to Be-Mobile NV, Kardinaal Mercierlaan 1a, 9090 Melle (Belgium).

8.2 You always have the right to lodge a complaint before the relevant data protection authorities.
