Privacy policy

Who are we?

Your personal data are processed by Be-Mobile NV, which is headquartered in Kardinaal Mercierlaan 1a, 9090 Melle (Belgium), as the processing manager according to the legal and regulatory provisions regarding personal data protection. If you have any further question, please contact us by sending an e-mail to or getting in touch with our helpdesk.

​Preliminary remarks on the privacy policy

Scope of application The current Privacy Policy (hereafter “the Policy”) shall apply between you and Be-Mobile NV when you use our website (accessible via or any other domain name redirecting the surfer towards this website), or yet again, when you contact us by e-mail, phone, fax, or through social media (such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn).

Changes. Be-Mobile reserves the right to modify the current Privacy Policy at any time. Once this occurs, Be-Mobile will advise you in due time and to the extent possible of these changes and of the effective date of these changes. Shall we be unable to notify you of a change in our Privacy Policy, you will be kept informed through our website. If you don’t agree to a change of the Privacy Policy, you shall immediately stop using our website and/or our services.

Cookies. For further information on the manner how we process personal data by cookies, you may check our Cookies Policy, available on for natural persons regarding the processing of personal data

The provisions below apply to each user of our website.

Article 1. Types of personal data that we process

1.1 The chart below shows the personal data categories that we process for every type of service provision. Please note that several cases may apply if you use different types of services.

Type of service provision

Categories of personal data that we process

Communication. If you communicate with us through any communication channel, we shall process:

your identity details: i.e. the identity details which you provide us, e.g. your name.

your contact details: i.e. the contact details you send us, such as your e-mail address or phone number.

the communication content: i.e. the content of your message, question or claim, although you are requested to avoid providing us sensitive data, such as health details. All the same, shall you provide us sensitive data which aren’t necessary as part of your message, question or claim, we shall filter and delete them to the extent possible.

technical details: i.e. technical details on your message, question or claim, such as their date and time or the phone number you used to call our helpdesk.

Website and social media. When you use our website or social media channels, we process:

technical details: i.e. technical details on your visit, including details on the device (laptop, smartphone, etc.) with which you visited our website or our social media channels. This information includes your IP address, your operating system, your browser type, your geographical position, the web pages’ response time and the possible download errors.

other details: i.e. the other details you send us, as for instance, upon creating an account.

Article 2. Purpose and legal basis of your personal details

2.1 We shall process your personal data only:

2.2 The legal basis on which we rely are as follows:

2.3 The chart below states for what purposes we process your personal data, along with this process' legal basis.


Legal basis

Improving our products, services and website: We may process your personal data in order to analyze and enhance our products, services and website.

Legitimate interest: We do our best to enhance your user experience by continually analyzing and improving our products, services and website.

Protection: We may process your personal data in order to protect the security of our systems and of your data as well as we can, e.g. by performing a backup.

Legitimate interest: We strive to protect our systems and your personal data as well as we possibly can.

Informing yourself: We may process your personal data in order to inform you about our products and services and, more precisely, about the changes brought to our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy or Cookies Policy.

Legitimate interest: We strive to keep you informed about the changes brought to our products and services which you should be aware of.

Protection of our interests or those of third parties: We may process your personal data in order to protect our legitimate interests or those of third parties if the use you make of our website, products or services constitutes a breach of our Terms of Use or if you jeopardize or threaten to jeopardize the security of either our systems or those of third parties.

Legitimate interest: We strive to protect our interests as well as those of third parties.

Request from the authorities: We may be legally obliged to process your personal data or to send them to an appropriate judicial authority, or its representatives, following their reasonable request, or to the police on our own account if we have founded suspicions that the use you make of our products or services constitutes a crime or legal offense.

Legal obligation: In some cases, we may be obliged to process your personal data in order to fulfill a legal obligation.

Other legal obligations: We may equally be obliged to process your personal data in order to fulfill a legal obligation to which we are subject, e.g. an accounting obligation.

Legal obligation: In some cases, we may be obliged to process your personal data in order to fulfill a legal obligation.

Article 3. To whom do we send your personal data?

3.1 We may send your personal data to other entities belonging to the Be-Mobile group and we may also call upon third-party subcontractors to process your data for purposes described in Article 2 above, such as:

3.2 These third-party subcontractors may only process your personal data in accordance with our instructions. We equally guarantee that each of these third-party subcontractors were selected with the utmost care and are committed to ensure the security and integrity of your personal data.

3.3 We may be legally obliged to send your personal data to competent authorities or their representatives, to judicial authorities, to public authorities or government agencies, including to relevant data protection authorities, for us to comply with a legal obligation as stated in Article 2.

3.4 We won’t send your personal data in identifiable form to any other third party than those mentioned in Articles 3.1 and 3.2 without your express consent. We may, however, send anonymized and/or aggregated data to other third parties, who may use these data to improve our services and website.

Article 4. Personal data processing location

4.1 Your personal data are essentially processed within the European Economic Area (EEA).

4.2 In order to process your personal data for the purposes outlined in Article 3 above, we may equally transfer your data to third parties processing them on our behalf outside the EEA. Any entity outside the EEA processing your data shall observe the suitable precautions regarding the processing of your personal data. Such precautions shall be settled by:

4.3 We may transfer anonymized and/or aggregated data to third parties outside the EEA. Shall such a transfer occur, we shall make sure that every precaution established ensures the security and integrity of your data and of every right regarding your personal data which you may have under the current binding law.

Article 5. Personal data processing time

5.1 Your personal data will only be processed as long as necessary for the purposes stated in Article 3 to be fulfilled or, if applicable, until the moment you withdraw your consent. The withdrawal of your consent may imply that you won’t be able to use all or part of our website.

5.2 We will anonymize your personal data as soon as they are no longer necessary for the purposes described in Article 3 above, except in the following cases:

Article 6. Security of your personal data

6.1 We will take the relevant technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against unlawful entry and theft, as well as any accidental loss, falsification or accidental destruction. Nevertheless, you understand that your personal data protection represents an obligation of means. Access to your personal data shall be granted to our staff or third-party subcontractors only to the necessary extent and shall be subject to the relevant privacy obligations.

Article 7. Your rights

7.1 Right of access. You have the right to be informed of whether we process or not your personal data, and if that is the case, to have access to these data.

7.2 Right of rectification. You have the right to correct your personal data, i.e. to ask for the inaccurate data regarding you to be corrected for free.

7.3 Right to delete data. You have the right to delete your personal data, i.e. to ask for them to be erased if they are no longer necessary in the light of the purposes mentioned in Article 3 above or shall you withdraw your consent for their processing.

You may exercise this right by submitting a request to us as described in Article 7.8 of the current Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to bill you a reasonable administration allowance for successive repeated requests which are clearly submitted to harm or affect us.

You may exercise this right by submitting a request to us as described in Article 7.8 of the current Privacy Policy. If you submit a rectification request by e-mail or by letter, it shall be accompanied by a proof of the data’s inaccuracy.

You may exercise this right by submitting a request to us as described in Article 7.8 of the current Privacy Policy. However, you must keep in mind that, in case such a request were submitted, we shall consider:

7.4 Limitation of processing right. You have the right to limit the processing of your personal data instead of erasing them, i.e. to ask us to limit the processing of your data shall:

7.5 Right of opposition. You still have the right to oppose processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes. In any other case, you have the right to oppose processing of your personal data if:

7.6 Right to data portability. You have the right to data portability, i.e. you can obtain from us all the personal data you supplied us in a structured format, currently used and readable by machine if your data is processed by automated means and based on your consent or on a contract concluded with you.

7.7 Right to withdraw consent. If the processing of your personal data rests upon your consent, you always have the possibility to withdraw your consent as mentioned in Article 2 of the current Privacy Policy. You can always unsubscribe to opt out of receiving e-mails informing you about our products and services. However, as long as you have an Easy Account or Pro-Account, we shall continue to send you essential e-mails, i.e. e-mails informing you about our price changes, Terms of Use, Privacy Policy or Cookies Policy, among other things.

7.8 Request submission. If you wish to exercise one of your aforementioned rights, it is possible, in some cases, to do so in your Easy Account or Pro-Account settings. You can equally submit your request by sending an e-mail to We shall acknowledge receipt of your request. If your request is worthwhile, we shall fulfill it as soon as reasonably possible and within thirty (30) days from the receipt of the request at the latest.

Article 8. Contact and claims

8.1 If you have any question or claim regarding the way we process your personal data, you may contact us by sending an e-mail to or a letter to Be-Mobile NV, Kardinaal Mercierlaan 1a, 9090 Melle (Belgium).

8.2 You always have the right to lodge a complaint before the relevant data protection authorities.
