Smart cities

Preparing to be the city of tomorrow? Here you’re on the right track to connect with your citizens and visitors. Make life on the road better for travelers and keep the city livable and accessible.

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Road traffic management

Inform drivers on travel times, accidents, roadworks, closed exits and guide them to the different parking areas via digital signs.

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Real-time & historical analysis

Monitor traffic at this very instant or go back in time. Use this knowledge to evaluate if there are problematic areas that you could tackle differently or asses the effect of certain measures.

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Traffic management communication

Warn drivers in car about upcoming events on your roads: closed roads, roadworks, maintenance, etc.

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Logistics Platform

City logistics is ever more important as cities are getting increasingly dense. Leverage our Logistics Platform to get your vehicles to the edge of the city and transfer your goods for a smoother delivery.

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Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems

Improve traffic flows and road safety with vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructure and infrastructure-to-vehicle communication.

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Intermodal route planner

Smart mobility management with a route planner combining every transport mode: give drivers the chance to avoid congested areas and continue by bike, on foot or any other mode.

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Traveler information

Inform travelers about traffic via digital signs, smartphone apps or in-car navigation systems.

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Mobility payments

Add your city to the 4411 list and give millions of drivers the opportunity to pay for parking space via their mobile phone.

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