Control & communicate

You are in control. Find the best manner, place and time to address excessive traffic and directly communicate your measures to travelers.

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Assist the traveler in making the right mobility choice

You have established a solid mobility policy but you want to turn it into concrete actions or mobility advice on the road? Turn traffic to your advantage with our solutions to control mobility and communicate mobility messages to drivers.

Road traffic management

Keep traffic under control via your own infrastructure using FLOWcontrol and encourage drivers to make the right mobility and parking decisions.

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Traffic events

Manually or automatically add, edit or delete traffic events to inform those who are directly affected by the events.

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Traffic management communications

Warn drivers beforehand if there are planned roadworks or events that may have an impact on traffic or road safety.

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Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems

Pave the way towards autonomous mobility with C-ITS: let drivers and road infrastructure talk with each other. Firetrucks request priority at traffic lights, drivers receive in-car info from digital signs and ambulances warn vehicles they are approaching.

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Intermodal route planner

Evolve from traffic control towards mobility management: coax drivers out of the car, manage new forms of mobility and communicate with citizens & visitors about the urban environment.

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