Predicting the local weather with floating car data

Traffic jam weather conditions rain

24 mei 2019

In a new project, Be-Mobile aims to predict the weather on a very local scale using floating car data. To do this, we join forces with imec, Verhaert, Inuits, bpost and the Royal Meteorological Institute (RMI) of Belgium in the consortium Secure and Accurate Road Weather Services (SARWS). It is our common ambition to improve road safety by warning drivers in time for dangerous weather conditions.

As a test case, 30 vans will be equipped with a smart in-car sensor that combines the data of the car with data from additional sensors, recording information about temperature, rain, fog and more. Collected in a central data platform, the data will be processed into meaningful information based on artificial intelligence.

Using machine learning, the data are turned into tangible weather information. A particularly useful application is of course real-time, in-car information to make drivers aware of dangerous weather conditions that could impact their safety. The changes in vehicle dynamics and user behaviour in relation to the weather conditions will be studied to conclude if the information has a positive effect.

With SARWS, Be-Mobile once more unites the interests of different actors, such as road authorities, car manufacturers and road users. The availability of this local weather information will be integrated in our navigation services. The content will be shared with road users, road authorities and other stakeholders, as such improving road safety.

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