
Your car or navigation system will increase road safety

04 juli 2022

The Netherlands is set to become the first European country where your car or navigation system will warn you of an approaching vehicle with flashing lights and sirens.
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Proof of Concept Traffic Management as a Service for the Province of North Holland succeeded

10 juni 2022

With the successful completion of the PoC VMaaS, the companies in ATEam have demonstrated their ability to properly implement traffic management as a service.
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Make urban traffic greener

31 mei 2022

Electric or green mobility is the kind of mobility that cities want on their territory. Today, cities already have many means at their disposal to achieve green mobility.
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Mobilidata launches first technological building block to create connected mobility

19 april 2022

Imagine if you could increase your chances of hitting green lights. If ambulances could have a clear path through every intersection? Mobilidata is taking a big step towards this.
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Unique cloud platform to communicate with intelligent traffic lights

19 april 2022

The Flemish Mobilidata programme and the consortium led by Be-Mobile announce the implementation of a cloud platform that interconnects intelligent traffic lights.
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Be-Mobile makes drawing up a mobility policy child's play

02 maart 2022

In recent months, smart mobility solutions provider Be-Mobile has developed a platform that helps cities create unified mobility policies.
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